In-House Applications

House Management - a Glance

Paper files are replaced with touch screen-based eBook

  • Automated Synchronous Audio & Video Control
  • Digital recording of proceedings information along with searchable audio / video
  • Live streaming of proceedings over the web
  • Touchscreen based handwritten notes in any languages across Hon’ble members, secretaries, and department heads
In-House Applications

A comprehensive suite of modules for end-to-end digitalization of the entire business of the House over a secure digital platform. The In-House Applications automates the complete system and streamlines the daily functions within the house.

Server Demon
Server Daemon facilitates the automation of the various activities inside the parliaments or the law-making bodies by integrating the hundreds of computer systems deployed in the In-House network.
Admin Application
Administrators gain full control over the deployed computers for managing and monitoring the health of the entire system during a session.
Business Controller
Controls and minutes the entire business flow of the House based on the command from the Hon’ble Speaker. It provides the Hon’ble Speaker easy access to the various charts.
Secretary Pad
An innovative feature that allows the Speaker/Secretary to monitor the business progressing in the House. The Secretary can view all speaker notes and List of Business digitally.
EBook Application
EBook Application eliminates paper usage from the proceedings of the House. The module replicates the look of a paper file, retains the experience of using a conventional paper file system, and makes the Hon’ble Members comfortable with the new technology.
Media User book
Supports the media interaction with the House through a secure and paperless interface that can be accessed only by the authorized media professionals.
Question submission
A paperless-interface for the Hon’ble Members to submit their questions online and reduce the delay in question submission. They can submit the questions from anywhere and avoid unnecessary travel to the Assembly for handing over the questions.
Constituency Management
The Constituency Management module improves the interaction between the Hon’ble Members and the citizens in their constituency and facilitates faster grievance settlement.
Display Management
The module displays the business happening inside the house along with its status. It functions automatically without any human intervention.
Speaker Pad
A powerful feature that enables the Hon’ble Speaker to view the documents such as speaker notes and communicate with other Members and officials.
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